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Bible Studies in the Book of Revelation Study 9

Revelation 6.1-6 The Seals 1  

Here in the opening verses we see the beginning of the judgments and events that will follow in the final days of the current earth and man’s rule. Notice who opens the scroll’s seals; it is Jesus, the Slain Lamb, who is worthy and so he takes the scroll and begins to open the seven seals one-by-one. The seven seals reveal a righteous, holy, and just God who must punish sin. The seals must be broken and the judgment must come. In this section of our study, we are only looking at the first three seals that are broken. However seals 1 to 4 reveal what are known as the ‘The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.’ So to get the full picture we need to include the next seal for a complete picture, but that will be done in the next section, Pt 10 of our study.

In each seal breaking, there is a call by one of the living creatures to ‘Come’; that is calling out the horse and rider. John looked and saw the outcome of the seals breaking. John was invited to consider the events that would ensue from the opening of each seal so he would obtain the full picture of the events in a sequence, while it is important to remember it was all happening under God’s direction.


The first of the seven seals revealed a white horse with a rider who held a bow, was given a crown, and rode off as a conqueror.

The second of the seven seals revealed a fiery red horse with a rider who was given a large sword and the power to take peace from the earth and to cause men to kill each other.                     .

The third of the seven seals revealed a black horse with a rider who was holding a pair of scales in his hand and measuring out the day’s wages. [A denarius]

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse [the first three]

  • The White Horse: The white horse rider is bent on conquest just as the world today is bent on warfare, conquest, and bloodshed. The world is on a determined course toward destruction. God gives people over to the consequences of their own sin. Here the first horseman of the apocalypse. [Means Revelation] Notice that he has a white horse, the sign of a conquering warrior; a bow; but there is no mention of any arrows, this could be significant as it shows the limits of his power. This is what Christ revealed in his teaching to the Disciples in Matt 24. It is the white horseman of religious deception. This horseman has a lying message about Christ. This rider is often known as the ANTI-CHRIST! This false religious teaching proclaims that Christ was the Messiah, but it is deceiving people about what He said! This horseman comes first because he given power and causes by far the most suffering by. He is a false teacher of Christ’s message, one who “went forth conquering, and to conquer.” This deceitful and false ministry conquers by deceiving, and it has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9). This is the deadliest of all the horsemen. He has a crown, which is a symbol of authority, but his methods of conquest are peaceful deception.
  • The Red Horse: The red horse is about taking peace from the earth, an example of which is men butchering one another. This is both the judgment of God and the consequence of sin. The Anti-Christ having obtained his conquests, finds that if peace is removed from the picture, then man reverts to a nature that is ruled by sin and so does anything he wants to further his own cause; regardless of others. This is so often the root of wars in our current world. Man is sinful and acts in a sinful manner to obtain his ends. The rider is given power and a sword to allow him to exercise it.
  • The Black Horse: Famine is the black horse. While some people are starving, there are those who will be concerned with luxuries. The voice from the elders gave out the prices that were being imposed.  There will always be economic disparity. Here is the natural sequence from the seals, man is deceived and obtains a form of peace, which is based on the false teaching of the Ant-Christ. This does not last, when the peace is removed and he reverts to his sinful nature and is out for his own ends. The consequence of this is the food shortage. The scales are used to measure out the wheat and barley, staple food, at prices, which relate to a day’s wage. In those days a denarius. The people could not afford this and so suffered famine. It is interesting that the supplies, which the rich would want, such as wine and oil, are to be preserved. The poor could not afford them anyway. No mention of the price here as the rich would be able to pay what is necessary. It is also noted that these last two, wine and oil would be less susceptible to the drought as they would have deeper roots.


These three seals reveal to the world and mankind its true nature. Man is easily deceived if he thinks it will bring peace, he is willing to fight for what he wants regardless of the consequences and then subsequently finds out the terrible outcome is famine. We have only opened three seals, what horrors wait us with the rest?

In contrast to this consider the real Christ, the Son of God who died and rose again, who is now in heaven controlling these events. What does he offer to us?

  • The Truth and not deception- John 6.6
  • The Peace that comes from the Prince of Peace- Isaiah 6.9
  • The Provision, he tells us to take no thought of our needs as the Father will provide all our needs- Matt 6.34

What a contrast to the results of opening the seals and seeing the development from false teaching. This is a warning that must be heeded!














Revelation 6.1-6 The Seals 1   Pt 9


Here in the opening verses we see the beginning of the judgments and events that will follow in the final days of the current earth and man’s rule. Notice who opens the scroll’s seals; it is Jesus, the Slain Lamb, who is worthy and so he takes the scroll and begins to open the seven seals one-by-one. The seven seals reveal a righteous, holy, and just God who must punish sin. The seals must be broken and the judgment must come. In this section of our study, we are only looking at the first three seals that are broken. However seals 1 to 4 reveal what are known as the ‘The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.’ So to get the full picture we need to include the next seal for a complete picture, but that will be done in the next section, Pt 10 of our study.


In each seal breaking, there is a call by one of the living creatures to ‘Come’; that is calling out the horse and rider. John looked and saw the outcome of the seals breaking. John was invited to consider the events that would ensue from the opening of each seal so he would obtain the full picture of the events in a sequence, while it is important to remember it was all happening under God’s direction.


The first of the seven seals revealed a white horse with a rider who held a bow, was given a crown, and rode off as a conqueror.


The second of the seven seals revealed a fiery red horse with a rider who was given a large sword and the power to take peace from the earth and to cause men to kill each other.                     .

The third of the seven seals revealed a black horse with a rider who was holding a pair of scales in his hand and measuring out the day’s wages. [A denarius]


The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse [the first three]


The White Horse: The white horse rider is bent on conquest just as the world today is bent on warfare, conquest, and bloodshed. The world is on a determined course toward destruction. God gives people over to the consequences of their own sin. Here the first horseman of the apocalypse. [Means Revelation] Notice that he has a white horse, the sign of a conquering warrior; a bow; but there is no mention of any arrows, this could be significant as it shows the limits of his power. This is what Christ revealed in his teaching to the Disciples in Matt 24. It is the white horseman of religious deception. This horseman has a lying message about Christ. This rider is often known as the ANTI-CHRIST! This false religious teaching proclaims that Christ was the Messiah, but it is deceiving people about what He said! This horseman comes first because he given power and causes by far the most suffering by. He is a false teacher of Christ’s message, one who “went forth conquering, and to conquer.” This deceitful and false ministry conquers by deceiving, and it has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9). This is the deadliest of all the horsemen. He has a crown, which is a symbol of authority, but his methods of conquest are peaceful deception.


  • The Red Horse: The red horse is about taking peace from the earth, an example of which is men butchering one another. This is both the judgment of God and the consequence of sin. The Anti-Christ having obtained his conquests, finds that if peace is removed from the picture, then man reverts to a nature that is ruled by sin and so does anything he wants to further his own cause; regardless of others. This is so often the root of wars in our current world. Man is sinful and acts in a sinful manner to obtain his ends. The rider is given power and a sword to allow him to exercise it.


  • The Black Horse: Famine is the black horse. While some people are starving, there are those who will be concerned with luxuries. The voice from the elders gave out the prices that were being imposed.  There will always be economic disparity. Here is the natural sequence from the seals, man is deceived and obtains a form of peace, which is based on the false teaching of the Ant-Christ. This does not last, when the peace is removed and he reverts to his sinful nature and is out for his own ends. The consequence of this is the food shortage. The scales are used to measure out the wheat and barley, staple food, at prices, which relate to a day’s wage. In those days a denarius. The people could not afford this and so suffered famine. It is interesting that the supplies, which the rich would want, such as wine and oil, are to be preserved. The poor could not afford them anyway. No mention of the price here as the rich would be able to pay what is necessary. It is also noted that these last two, wine and oil would be less susceptible to the drought as they would have deeper roots.


These three seals reveal to the world and mankind its true nature. Man is easily deceived if he thinks it will bring peace, he is willing to fight for what he wants regardless of the consequences and then subsequently finds out the terrible outcome is famine. We have only opened three seals, what horrors wait us with the rest?


In contrast to this consider the real Christ, the Son of God who died and rose again, who is now in heaven controlling these events. What does he offer to us?

  • The Truth and not deception- John 6.6
  • The Peace that comes from the Prince of Peace- Isaiah 6.9
  • The Provision, he tells us to take no thought of our needs as the Father will provide all our needs- Matt 6.34

What a contrast to the results of opening the seals and seeing the development from false teaching. This is a warning that must be heeded!


































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